Suppose you’re having difficulties with tasks such as washing, cooking and dressing, and think you may be entitled to help with funding your Home Care. In this case, you, or with your permission, your family, the district nurse or GP, can ask your Local Authority for a Care Assessment. If you want Premier Community to provide your support, you can request this of social services.
2. Local Authority Funded or Part Funded Care from a hospital Admission
If you’re being discharged from the hospital and think you need help at home, the staff on the ward will arrange services to make sure you are appropriately supported. It’s good to give them as much notice as possible to put this in place.
If you want Premier Community to provide your support, you can request this of social services.
3. Privately Funded Care
To arrange private home care, call a Registered Care Provider, such as Premier Community, and arrange a care assessment to provide the help you need.
How Do I Set Up Care With Premier Community?
From your first call, we will help you through the process, beginning with a few questions to gain some brief information to understand your needs and answer any questions you may have, such as availability and suitability and general estimates of costings.
Should you wish to Continue
Our free home visits last about an hour (using remote technology or telephone during lockdown).
We want to discover what you would like to achieve from your support and discuss the tasks you need for your help. Answer any questions you may have and assess risks to ensure everything is safe for you and our employees. When we have this information, we will form a unique tailor-made Care Plan for you.
Contact us:
Tel. 01623 810100